Tuesday, October 9, 2007

And the Winner is....

I know I have been lazy in updating but we´ve been traveling quite a bit. There is some confusion as to why I have not been talking about my project, and the reason is that I have not actually started it. Peace Corps service in Bolivia commences with 10 weeks of training and only after being sworn in are we shipped off to our sites for 2 years of work. Site announcements just happened today and I found that I am going to Semaipata. It´s supossedly a really nice tourism site and I will be living with better accomodations than I had back home in the US. The challenge is that Semaipata is so overrun by Gringos and other internationals that it is hard to carve a place for yourself and differenciate your work from that of the other NGO´s. I will be a tourism volunteer focusing on pro-poor tourism, meaning that it is great that internationals do well there but I will but looking to create successful and sustainable opportunities for the Bolivian nationals.

A little info: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/06/01/AR2007060100708.html?referrer=emailarticle&sub=AR

I will post more as time permits. Training is winding down and it´s about to get real! We´re all a little nervous! To add to the excitement...I turn a quarter of a century old tomorrow! I will be the same age as my Dad when he came to the States way back when. So as far as settling down and having little niños goes, I am still on pace with him! There is also hope... Of a group of 20 volunteers who are ready to close service, I think 5 of them are marrying Bolivians. That´s some pretty strong representation there!!!

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