Monday, October 29, 2007

A Tour of My House

Starting with the outside view... note the little balcony!

....The entry room, fireplace included...

A view from the entry room: My bedroom and a guest bedroom in the left half of the photo, stairs leading up to the loft in the second half

A shot of the loft

And finally...the kitchen!


Unknown said...

I like that house...It looks comforting..

Unknown said...

Dude! That place is better/bigger than your apartment in the states! Snap some pictures of the jeep they're renting for you too... ;-)

nadieska said...

uhhh... is that all for yourself?? you don't live with a host family? i definitely need to get myself to bolivia..

aiyeu said...

From the pictures, I'm going to assume that you won't be forging any rivers anytime soon... =P

tdtruong said...

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. That place is nicer than my place.
