Thursday, January 10, 2008

Welcome to Tamaipata!*

I’m getting emails about visiting so I did a little digging and found the brochure on visiting Tamaipata. Let me summarize:

1. Visitors are ALWAYS welcome. Free lodging is available at Hostal Tamaipata. Accommodations have been provided for up to 8 people, though there is always the possibility of squeezing a good deal more. You have access to hot showers, running water, electricity, and a kitchen where you can prepare food bought in the local market. You only need to provide the host with a few meals and perhaps a couple things from the US that can’t be found in this idyllic little tourist community.

2. Entering Bolivia is done through Santa Cruz, into Viru Viru airport. From there you will take a 2-3 hour ride into Samaipata by taxi, mini-bus, or micro (a vehicle with a striking resemblance to an old school bus. Oh wait, it is.)

3. Samaipata is THE tourist destination of Santa Cruz. Lucky for you, if you visit you won’t have to trip anywhere else unless desired. You can swim in pristine waterfalls, visit Pre-Incan ruins, hike through Amboró national park, see condors and cactus, butterflies and orchids, mountainbike, camp, sing karaoke, dance, and of course, visit the Peace Corps Volunteer in her natural setting.

4. With so many activities available, recommended trip length is between 1-2 weeks. Please advise in advance so that transportation and activities can be coordinated. You will also need to apply for a visa in advance in order to enter the country. Cost is $100. Recommendations for vaccinations are always changing but can be found online. Malaria is not a threat in this area, therefore Chloroquine is unnecessary.

5. Any other questions, let me know!

*Tamaipata = 1 part Samaipata, 1 part Tammy, and a quick dusting of a volunteer with a ridiculous penchant for nicknames

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