Monday, June 1, 2009

Changing the World, One Grandma at a Time

"Most of the things we try to accomplish in the Peace Corps go flying off the roof of the bus; in the end you're lucky if the thing rolls into the station at all. More than likely however you will end up sitting on the side of the road while the drunk busdriver tries to rig a new tire out of an old pair of socks and a cigarette filter. You hardly ever get where you wanted to go, but hey- in the end you're sitting on the side of the road enjoying a very nice sunset chatting it up with someone's grandma. And I personally would rather change the world one grandma at a time. "

~Britta Lilley Hansen, Returned Peace Corps Volunteer


Lenni said...

I think this should definitely be Peace Corps' pitch....quoted in all the promotional materials and on the website. Also, your "day in the life" was super cool. Gracias che.


Karen said...

nice quote chica! I love your pics, Tammy, keep 'em coming!

Em Cee McG said...

Truer words were never spoken!